Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ilsa:She Wolf of the SS (1975)


Ilsa, The She Wolf of the SS. Man, that's such a great title! Ilsa(Dyanne Thorne) is a warden and nurse at a Nazi labor camp -- supposedly the most feared Nazi of them all! Her experiments and torture would surely give her that title. Ilsa tries to prove that a well trained woman can be stronger than any man. At that time women could not fight on the battlefield, so i guess this is where the experiments comes into play.


This is sleaze-core at its finest. There is almost no way movies like Ilsa could be made today. It almost seems like things are becoming more censored every year! I mean it has sex...almost porn style scenes! The Nazi propaganda is almost too risque for today's standards. The torture scenes aren't too graphic but what they are doing is actually pretty sick. The worst part is that some of these are actually proven to have happened during WW 2!


I do dig this movie for its brutality, even though the subject matter is a bit intense! So for all you pc or easily offended people......stay away! For everyone that loves this classic exploitation cinema......grab a copy and wallow in the filth!


1 comment:

  1. Without a doubt 'Ilsa' is offensive, but it's offensive in such a gleefully over the top and campy way that it's hard to take too seriously. I really miss the old school independent filmmakers like David Friedman, the producer of this one, who had a background as a carny and who saw making exploitation films as more of a game than anything else. Sure, the films are terrible on a technical level, but there's a sense of fun about even something as sleazy as this which just isn't there in modern movies.
