so the other day erin and i went to an estate sale above a funeral home. some crazy stuff! nothing funeral related but some super cool monster stuff!
so super wild to find a rat fink mask and even crazier that we found the ( child size) matching costume! now if we could find the time to paint the hallway and turn it into out weirdo model/ halloween room we'd be in shape!
hey gang,
i managed to peddle some of my crappy drawings and photos into this here book! i think there's about 6 photos and 8 or 9 little drawings. most of the photos are from either cemeteries or the old abandoned Chippewa Amusement park that used to be here in Ohio. its mainly just a horror themed book, some poetry, photos, drawings, and all sorts of weird stuff!
heres a link to buy it if dig that sort of thing:
ghost puppets
i will also have some photos ive taken in a new book along with little creepy/dumb drawings i did above the chapter titles. it will be out in another week or two. ill post a link to buy soon!